DescopeSdk constructor

  1. String projectId, [
  2. dynamic configure(
    1. DescopeConfig

Creates a new DescopeSdk.

The projectId of the Descope project can be found in the project page in the Descope console. Use the optional configure function to finely configure the Descope SDK.


factory DescopeSdk(String projectId, [Function(DescopeConfig)? configure]) {
  // init config
  final config = DescopeConfig(projectId: projectId);
  // init auth methods
  final client = DescopeClient(config);
  return DescopeSdk._internal(config, Flow(client), Auth(client), Otp(client), Totp(client), MagicLink(client), EnchantedLink(client), OAuth(client), Sso(client), Passkey(client), Password(client));