native abstract method

Future<AuthenticationResponse> native({
  1. required OAuthProvider provider,
  2. SignInOptions? options,

Authenticates the user using the native Sign in with Apple/Google dialogs on these platforms.

This API enables a more streamlined user experience than the equivalent browser based OAuth authentication, when using the appropriate provider on iOS/Android devices. The authentication presents a native dialog that lets the user sign in with the account they're already using on their device.

This function expects the name of the provider the user wishes to authenticate with, this will usually be either, Apple, Google or the name of a custom provider that's configured for OAuth with one of them.

Note: This is an asynchronous operation that performs network requests before and after displaying the modal authentication view. It is thus recommended to switch the user interface to a loading state before calling this function, otherwise the user might accidentally interact with the app when the authentication view is not being displayed.

If you haven't already configured your app to support Sign in with Google you'll probably need to set up your Google APIs console project for this. You should also configure an OAuth provider for Google in the in the Descope console, with its Grant Type set to Implicit. Also note that the Client ID and Client Secret should be set to the values of your Web application OAuth client, rather than those from the Android OAuth client. For more details see the Credential Manager documentation.

The Sign in with Apple APIs require some setup in your Xcode project, including at the very least adding the Sign in with Apple capability. You will also need to configure the Apple provider in the Descope console. In particular, when using your own account make sure that the Client ID value matches the Bundle Identifier of your app. For more details see the Sign in with Apple documentation.


Future<AuthenticationResponse> native({required OAuthProvider provider, SignInOptions? options});