updateEmail abstract method

Future<String> updateEmail({
  1. required String email,
  2. required String loginId,
  3. String? redirectUrl,
  4. required String refreshJwt,
  5. UpdateOptions? options,

Updates an existing user by adding an email address.

The email will be updated for the user identified by loginId after it is verified via magic link. In order to do this, the user must have an active DescopeSession whose refreshJwt should be passed as a parameter to this function.

You can optionally pass the options parameter to add the new email address as a loginId for the existing user, and to determine how to resolve conflicts if another user already exists with the same loginId. See the documentation for UpdateOptions for more details.

Important: Make sure a default magic link URL is configured in the Descope console, or provided by this call via redirectUrl.


Future<String> updateEmail({required String email, required String loginId, String? redirectUrl, required String refreshJwt, UpdateOptions? options});