RxObjectMixin<T> mixin

global object that registers against GetX and Obx, and allows the reactivity of those Widgets and Rx values.

Superclass constraints


canUpdate bool
no setterinherited
firstRebuild bool
getter/setter pair
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setteroverride
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
sentToStream bool
getter/setter pair
stream Stream<T>
no setter
string String
Same as toString() but using a getter.
no setter
subject GetStream<T>
getter/setter pairinherited
value ↔ T
Returns the current value
getter/setter pair


addListener(GetStream<T> rxGetx) → void
This is an internal method. Subscribe to changes on the inner stream.
bindStream(Stream<T> stream) → void
Binds an existing Stream<T> to this Rx
call([T? v]) → T
updates the value to null and adds it to the Stream. Even with null-safety coming, is still an important feature to support, as call() doesn't accept null values. For instance, InputDecoration.errorText has to be null to not show the "error state".
close() → void
Closes the subscriptions for this Rx, releasing the resources.
listen(void onData(T), {Function? onError, void onDone()?, bool? cancelOnError}) StreamSubscription<T>
listenAndPump(void onData(T event), {Function? onError, void onDone()?, bool? cancelOnError}) StreamSubscription<T>
Returns a StreamSubscription similar to listen, but with the added benefit that it primes the stream with the current value, rather than waiting for the next value. This should not be called in onInit or anywhere else during the build process.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
refresh() → void
Makes a direct update of value adding it to the Stream useful when you make use of Rx for custom Types to referesh your UI.
toJson() → dynamic
Returns the json representation of value.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object o) bool
This equality override works for _RxImpl instances and the internal values.