details method
FOR EXAMPLE: we want see detail of pakistan.Then we have to call "Pakistan".countryDetail
will return below data as Country Model class
"name": "Pakistan",
"topLevelDomain": ".pk"
"alpha2Code": "PK",
"alpha3Code": "PAK",
"callingCodes": "92"
"capital": "Islamabad",
"Islamic Republic of Pakistan",
"Islāmī Jumhūriya'eh Pākistān"
"subregion": "Southern Asia",
"region": "Asia",
"population": 220892331,
"latlng": 30, 70
"demonym": "Pakistani",
"area": 881912,
"gini": 31.6,
"timezones": "UTC+05:00"
"borders": "AFG", "CHN", "IND", "IRN"
"nativeName": "Pakistan",
"numericCode": "586",
"flags": {
"svg": "",
"png": ""
{"code": "PKR", "name": "Pakistani rupee", "symbol": "₨"}
"iso639_1": "ur",
"iso639_2": "urd",
"name": "Urdu",
"nativeName": "اردو"
"iso639_1": "en",
"iso639_2": "eng",
"name": "English",
"nativeName": "English"
"translations": {
"br": "Pakistan",
"pt": "Paquistão",
"nl": "Pakistan",
"hr": "Pakistan",
"fa": "پاکستان",
"de": "Pakistan",
"es": "Pakistán",
"fr": "Pakistan",
"ja": "パキスタン",
"it": "Pakistan",
"hu": "Pakisztán"
"flag": "",
"acronym": "SAARC",
"name": "South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation"
"cioc": "PAK",
"independent": true
Country details(String country) {
String newCountryName = country.toLowerCase();
Map<String, dynamic> myCountryDetails = countries.firstWhere(
(e) => e["name"].toLowerCase() == newCountryName,
orElse: () => throw UnsupportedError(
"Your country name is incorrect make sure you entered a correct country name."));
Map<String, dynamic> cities = countryCities.firstWhere(
(e) => e["country"].toLowerCase() == country.toLowerCase(),
orElse: () => throw UnsupportedError(
"Your country name is incorrect make sure you entered a correct country name."));
return Country.fromJson(myCountryDetails)
.copyWith(cities: cities["city"] as List<String>);