DeepArController class

Controls all interaction with DeepAR Sdk.




aspectRatio double
Aspect ratio of the preview image
no setter
cameraDirection → CameraDirection
Get current camera direction as CameraDirection.front or CameraDirection.rear
no setter
flashState bool
Get current flash state as FlashState.on or
no setter
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
hasPermission bool
If the user has allowed required camera permissions
no setter
imageDimensions Size
Size of the preview image
no setter
isInitialized bool
Return true if the camera preview is initialized
no setter
isRecording bool
Return true if the recording is in progress.
no setter
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


buildPreview({Function? oniOSViewCreated}) Widget
Builds and returns the DeepAR Camera Preview.
changeParameter({required String gameObject, required String component, required String parameter, dynamic newParameter}) Future<void>
Changes a node or component newParameter.
destroy() Future<void>
Releases all resources required by DeepAR.
fireTrigger({required String trigger}) Future<void>
Fire named trigger of an fbx animation set on the currently loaded effect.
flipCamera() Future<CameraDirection>
Flips Camera and return the current direction
initialize({required String? androidLicenseKey, required String? iosLicenseKey, Resolution resolution = Resolution.high}) Future<bool>
Initializes the DeepAR SDK with license keys and asks for required camera and microphone permissions. Returns false if fails to initialize.
moveGameObject({required String selectedGameObjectName, required String targetGameObjectName}) Future<void>
Moves the selected game object from its current position in a tree and sets it as a direct child of a target game object.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
showColliders({required bool enabled}) Future<void>
Display physics colliders preview on screen.
showStats({required bool enabled}) Future<void>
Display debugging stats on screen.
simulatePhysics({required bool enabled}) Future<void>
Enable or disable global physics simulation.
startVideoRecording() Future<void>
Starts recording video
stopVideoRecording() Future<File>
Stop recording video
switchEffect(String? effect) Future<String?>
Switch DeepAR with the passed effect path from assets
switchEffectWithSlot({required String slot, required String path, String? targetGameObject, int? face}) Future<void>
Load contents of a DeepAR Studio file as an effect/filter in the scene
switchFaceMask(String? mask) Future<String?>
Switch DeepAR with the passed mask path from assets
switchFilter(String? filter) Future<String?>
Switch DeepAR with the passed filter path from assets
takeScreenshot() Future<File>
Takes picture of the current frame and returns a File
toggleFlash() Future<bool>
Toggles flash and returns its status
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.