findDebouncerWidget static method

DebouncerState? findDebouncerWidget(
  1. BuildContext context, {
  2. String? debouncerKey,

Attempts to find the DebouncerState in a parent widget. context should be the BuildContext of a child widget to a Debouncer widget. debouncerKey is an optional key that can be used to find a specific Debouncer widget if multiple parent Debouncers exist.


static DebouncerState? findDebouncerWidget(
  BuildContext context, {
  String? debouncerKey,
}) {
  // Get a debouncer state for the context passed in.
  final el = _getDebouncerStateWidget(context);
  DebouncerState? elToExecute;

  if (el != null &&
      debouncerKey != null &&
      el.widget.debouncerKey == debouncerKey) {
    // Set elToExecute to the current found value.
    elToExecute = el;
  } else if (el != null && debouncerKey == null) {
    // Set elToExecute to the current found value.
    elToExecute = el;
  } else {
    context.visitAncestorElements((parent) {
      // We use a local variable to work nicely with the scope
      final _el = _getDebouncerStateWidget(parent);

      if (_el != null &&
          debouncerKey != null &&
          _el.widget.debouncerKey == debouncerKey) {
        // Set elToExecute to the current found value.
        elToExecute = _el;
        return false;
      } else if (_el != null && debouncerKey == null) {
        // Set elToExecute to the current found value.
        elToExecute = _el;
        return false;

      return true;

  return elToExecute;