connectDebugger method

Future<void> connectDebugger(
  1. Uri uri

Connects to the VM Service at uri and initializes debugging.

This method will be called by sub-classes when they are ready to start a debug session and may provide a URI given by the user (in the case of attach) or from something like a vm-service-info file or Flutter app.debugPort message.

The URI protocol will be changed to ws/wss but otherwise not normalized. The caller should handle any other normalisation (such as adding /ws to the end if required).

The implementation for this method is run in try/catch and any exceptions during initialization will result in the debug adapter reporting an error to the user and shutting down.


Future<void> connectDebugger(Uri uri) async {
  try {
    await _connectDebuggerImpl(uri);
  } catch (error, stack) {
    final message = 'Failed to connect/initialize debugger for $uri:\n'