DdsExtension extension

  • VmService


onExtensionEventWithHistory Stream<Event>
Returns a new Stream<Event> of Extension events which outputs historical events before streaming real-time events.
no setter
onLoggingEventWithHistory Stream<Event>
Returns a new Stream<Event> of Logging events which outputs historical events before streaming real-time events.
no setter
onStderrEventWithHistory Stream<Event>
Returns a new Stream<Event> of Stderr events which outputs historical events before streaming real-time events.
no setter
onStdoutEventWithHistory Stream<Event>
Returns a new Stream<Event> of Stdout events which outputs historical events before streaming real-time events.
no setter


getAvailableCachedCpuSamples() Future<AvailableCachedCpuSamples>
The getAvailableCachedCpuSamples RPC is used to determine which caches of CPU samples are available. Caches are associated with individual UserTag names and are specified when DDS is started via the cachedUserTags parameter.
getCachedCpuSamples(String isolateId, String userTag) Future<CachedCpuSamples>
The getCachedCpuSamples RPC is used to retrieve a cache of CPU samples collected under a UserTag with name userTag.
getClientName() Future<ClientName>
The getClientName RPC is used to retrieve the name associated with the currently connected VM service client.
getDartDevelopmentServiceVersion() Future<Version>
The getDartDevelopmentServiceVersion RPC is used to determine what version of the Dart Development Service Protocol is served by a DDS instance.
getLogHistorySize(String isolateId) Future<Size>
The getLogHistorySize RPC is used to retrieve the current size of the log history buffer.
getPerfettoVMTimelineWithCpuSamples({int? timeOriginMicros, int? timeExtentMicros}) Future<PerfettoTimeline>
The getPerfettoVMTimelineWithCpuSamples RPC functions nearly identically to VmService.getPerfettoVMTimeline, except the trace field of the PerfettoTimeline response returned by this RPC will be a Base64 string encoding a Perfetto-format trace that includes not only all timeline events in the specified time range, but also all CPU samples from all isolates in the specified time range.
getStreamHistory(String stream) Future<StreamHistory>
Retrieve the event history for stream.
onEventWithHistory(String stream) Stream<Event>
Returns the stream for a given stream id which includes historical events.
postEvent(String stream, String eventKind, Map<String, Object?> eventData) Future<void>
Send an event to the stream.
requirePermissionToResume({bool onPauseStart = false, bool onPauseReload = false, bool onPauseExit = false}) Future<Success>
The requirePermissionToResume RPC is used to change the pause/resume behavior of isolates.
setClientName([String name = '']) Future<Success>
The setClientName RPC is used to set a name to be associated with the currently connected VM service client.
setLogHistorySize(String isolateId, int size) Future<Success>
The setLogHistorySize RPC is used to set the size of the ring buffer used for caching a limited set of historical log messages.