DevToolsServer class




clientManager ↔ ClientManager
getter/setter pair
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


launchDevTools(Map<String, dynamic> params, Uri vmServiceUri, String devToolsUrl, bool headlessMode, bool machineMode) Future<Map<String, dynamic>>
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
serveDevTools({bool enableStdinCommands = true, bool machineMode = false, bool debugMode = false, bool launchBrowser = false, bool enableNotifications = false, bool allowEmbedding = true, bool headlessMode = false, bool verboseMode = false, bool printDtdUri = false, String? hostname, String? customDevToolsPath, int port = 0, int numPortsToTry = defaultTryPorts, Handler? handler, String? serviceProtocolUri, String? profileFilename, String? appSizeBase, String? appSizeTest, String? dtdUri}) Future<HttpServer?>
Serves DevTools.
serveDevToolsWithArgs(List<String> arguments, {Handler? handler, String? customDevToolsPath}) Future<HttpServer?>
Wraps serveDevTools arguments parsed, as from the command line.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Methods

buildArgParser({bool verbose = false, bool includeHelpOption = true, int? usageLineLength}) → ArgParser
Builds an arg parser for the DevTools server.


argAllowEmbedding → const String
argAppSizeBase → const String
argAppSizeTest → const String
argDdsHost → const String
argDdsPort → const String
argDebugMode → const String
argDtdUri → const String
argEnableNotifications → const String
argHeadlessMode → const String
argHelp → const String
argHost → const String
argLaunchBrowser → const String
argMachine → const String
argPort → const String
argPrintDtd → const String
argProfileMemory → const String
argTryPorts → const String
argVerbose → const String
argVersion → const String
argVmUri → const String
commandDescription → const String
defaultDdsHost → const String
defaultDdsPort → const int
defaultTryPorts → const int
launchDevToolsService → const String
protocolVersion → const String