resolveToolEventUris method

Future<void> resolveToolEventUris(
  1. IsolateRef? isolate,
  2. Map<String, Object?> data,
  3. String field

Resolves any URI stored in data with key field to a local file URI via the VM Service and adds it to data with a 'resolved' prefix.

A resolved URI will not be added if the URI cannot be resolved or is already a 'file://' URI.


Future<void> resolveToolEventUris(
  vm.IsolateRef? isolate,
  Map<String, Object?> data,
  String field,
) async {
  final thread = isolateManager.threadForIsolate(isolate);
  if (thread == null) {

  final uriString = data[field];
  if (uriString is! String) {
  final uri = Uri.tryParse(uriString);
  if (uri == null) {

  // Doesn't need resolving if already file-like.
  if (isSupportedFileScheme(uri)) {

  final fileLikeUri = await thread.resolveUriToPath(uri);
  if (fileLikeUri != null) {
    // Convert:
    //   uri -> resolvedUri
    //   fileUri -> resolvedFileUri
    final resolvedFieldName =
        'resolved${field.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase()}${field.substring(1)}';
    data[resolvedFieldName] = fileLikeUri.toString();