convertUriToOrgDartlangSdk method

Uri? convertUriToOrgDartlangSdk(
  1. Uri input

Converts a file URI inside the current SDK root into a URI in the form org-dartlang-sdk:///sdk/lib/collection/hash_set.dart.


Uri? convertUriToOrgDartlangSdk(Uri input) {
  // TODO(dantup): We may need to expand this if we start using
  //  macro-generated files in the SDK.
  if (!input.isScheme('file')) {
    return null;
  final inputPath = input.toFilePath();

  for (final mapping in orgDartlangSdkMappings.entries) {
    final mapPath = mapping.key;
    final mapUri = mapping.value;
    if (path.isWithin(mapPath, inputPath)) {
      final relative = path.relative(inputPath, from: mapPath);
      return Uri(
        scheme: mapUri.scheme,
        host: '',
        pathSegments: [...mapUri.pathSegments, ...path.split(relative)],

  return null;