Product class


Product({String? teamName, int? tbcid, double? shipPercent, int? freeshipRemoteDistrict, int? yunfeixian, String? itemLink, int? goldSellers, String? reimgs, String? couponLink, int? haitao, String? sellerId, double? discounts, String? directCommissionLink, String? couponStartTime, double? serviceScore, String? mainPic, int? tchaoshi, int? id, int? brand, String? imgs, String? brandName, List<int>? subcid, String? couponConditions, String? detailPics, int? subdivisionId, double? dsrScore, int? dailySales, String? shopLevel, int? couponTotalNum, double? descScore, String? brandWenan, String? activityEndTime, String? shipScore, int? brandId, int? couponReceiveNum, int? shopType, String? desc, int? cid, double? commissionRate, double? originalPrice, double? actualPrice, String? goodsId, int? quanMLink, String? shopName, String? activityStartTime, String? video, String? title, String? dtitle, int? monthSales, int? subdivisionRank, int? hzQuanOver, int? isSubdivision, String? marketingMainPic, int? directCommissionType, double? servicePercent, int? commissionType, String? couponEndTime, double? directCommission, int? twoHoursSales, String? createTime, double? dsrPercent, double? estimateAmount, List? specialText, double? couponPrice, int? activityType, int? hotPush, String? subdivisionName, String? circleText})
Product.fromBrandDetailJson(Map<String, dynamic> json)
Product.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json)


activityEndTime String?
getter/setter pair
activityStartTime String?
getter/setter pair
activityType int?
getter/setter pair
actualPrice double?
getter/setter pair
brand int?
getter/setter pair
brandId int?
getter/setter pair
brandName String?
getter/setter pair
brandWenan String?
getter/setter pair
cid int?
getter/setter pair
circleText String?
getter/setter pair
commissionRate double?
getter/setter pair
commissionType int?
getter/setter pair
couponConditions String?
getter/setter pair
couponEndTime String?
getter/setter pair
getter/setter pair
couponPrice double?
getter/setter pair
couponReceiveNum int?
getter/setter pair
couponStartTime String?
getter/setter pair
couponTotalNum int?
getter/setter pair
createTime String?
getter/setter pair
dailySales int?
getter/setter pair
desc String?
getter/setter pair
descScore double?
getter/setter pair
detailPics String?
getter/setter pair
directCommission double?
getter/setter pair
getter/setter pair
directCommissionType int?
getter/setter pair
discounts double?
getter/setter pair
dsrPercent double?
getter/setter pair
dsrScore double?
getter/setter pair
dtitle String?
getter/setter pair
estimateAmount double?
getter/setter pair
freeshipRemoteDistrict int?
getter/setter pair
goldSellers int?
getter/setter pair
goodsId String?
getter/setter pair
haitao int?
getter/setter pair
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
hotPush int?
getter/setter pair
hzQuanOver int?
getter/setter pair
id int?
getter/setter pair
imgs String?
getter/setter pair
isSubdivision int?
getter/setter pair
getter/setter pair
mainPic String?
getter/setter pair
marketingMainPic String?
getter/setter pair
monthSales int?
getter/setter pair
originalPrice double?
getter/setter pair
getter/setter pair
reimgs String?
getter/setter pair
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
sellerId String?
getter/setter pair
servicePercent double?
getter/setter pair
serviceScore double?
getter/setter pair
shipPercent double?
getter/setter pair
shipScore String?
getter/setter pair
shopLevel String?
getter/setter pair
getter/setter pair
shopName String?
getter/setter pair
shopType int?
getter/setter pair
specialText List?
getter/setter pair
subcid List<int>?
getter/setter pair
subdivisionId int?
getter/setter pair
subdivisionName String?
getter/setter pair
subdivisionRank int?
getter/setter pair
tbcid int?
getter/setter pair
tchaoshi int?
getter/setter pair
teamName String?
getter/setter pair
title String?
getter/setter pair
twoHoursSales int?
getter/setter pair
video String?
getter/setter pair
yunfeixian int?
getter/setter pair


noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toJson() Map<String, dynamic>
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.