dockerPublish function

void dockerPublish({
  1. required String pathToDockerFile,
  2. required String repository,
  3. bool pack = false,
  4. bool clean = false,
  5. bool fresh = false,
  6. bool push = true,
  7. bool confirm = true,
  8. List<String> buildArgs = const <String>[],

Designed to build and publish a Docker file built using dcli and some fairly opinionated setup.

Your docker file should have the following line just before the packages git clone line.

RUN mkdir -p /BUILD_TOKEN/

We will run a:

  • dcli pack
  • git add *
  • git commit -m 'release'
  • git push

You need to provide the path to your dockerfile via pathToDockerFile. The repository name will be generated from your pubspec.yaml and the repository argument in the form:

If you pass the clean = true then the image will be rebuilt from scratch If you pass the fresh = true then we search for the BUILD_TOKEN line in your docker file and update the token UUID. This will cause the docker image to be rebuilt from the BUILD_TOKEN line. This can be used if you need to re-clone a git repo (or any similar action). By default the image will be pushed to docker hub unless you pass push = false. By default we ask you to confirm the build process. Pass confirm = false to skip the question. If you pass pack = true then the 'dcli pack' command will be run before the build starts.

The buildArgs is a list of arguments that are passed to the docker build command.


void dockerPublish(
    {required String pathToDockerFile,
    required String repository,
    bool pack = false,
    bool clean = false,
    bool fresh = false,
    bool push = true,
    bool confirm = true,
    List<String> buildArgs = const <String>[]}) {
  final project = DartProject.self;
  final name =;
  final version = project.pubSpec.version.toString();

  var _fresh = fresh;

  if (confirm && !dcli.confirm('Building $name $version')) {
    printerr(red('Stopping build'));

  if (pack) {
    'dcli pack'.run;
    _fresh = true;

  print(blue('Building $name $version'));

  final tag = '$repository/$name:$version';
  final latest = '$repository/$name:latest';

  var cleanArg = '';
  if (clean) {
    cleanArg = ' --no-cache';

  if (_fresh) {
    final uuid = const Uuid().v4().replaceAll('-', '');
    replace(pathToDockerFile, RegExp('RUN mkdir -p /BUILD_TOKEN/.*'),
        'RUN mkdir -p /BUILD_TOKEN/$uuid');

  'docker  build ${buildArgs.join(' ')}$cleanArg -t $tag '
          '-t $latest -f $pathToDockerFile .'

  if (push) {
    'docker push $tag'.run;
    'docker push $latest'.run;