build method

void build()

Build the user environment


void build() {
  // // [initgroups] can only be called when we are root
  // // so depending on which direction we are moving the
  // // users privilieges we need to call this before
  // // or after changing the uid.
  // if (uid == 0) {
  //   initgroups(username);
  // }

  // shells like bash/zsh reset the euid to the uid
  // to descalate priviliges.
  // This results in the euid being reset to sudo (0)
  // so to stop this we need to ensure a real uid/gid
  // are actually the original user not sudo.
  // This fits nicely with our principle that when a user
  // calls [releasePrivileges] the script should fully
  // appear to not have been run as sudo.
  verbose(() => '''
Building user enviroment
username: $username
HOME: $pathToHome
USER: $username
LOGNAME: $username
SHELL: ${env['SHELL']}
gid:  $gid
uid:  $uid''');

  // reorder(() => uid == 0, () => setuid(uid), () => setgid(gid));

  reorder(() => uid == 0, () => seteuid(uid), () => setegid(gid));

  env['HOME'] = pathToHome;
  env['USER'] = username;
  env['LOGNAME'] = username;
  env['SHELL'] = pathToShell;