write method

void write(
  1. String line, {
  2. String? newline,

The classic bash style pipe operator. Allows you to chain multiple processes by piping the output of the left hand process to the input of the right hand process.

DCli performs Glob expansion on command arguments. See run for details.

The following command calls:

  • tail on syslog
  • we pipe the result to head
  • head returns the top 5 lines
  • we pipe the 5 lines to tail
  • tail returns the last 2 of those 5 line
  • We are then back in dart world with the forEach where we print the 2 lines.
'tail /var/log/syslog' | 'head -n 5' | 'tail -n 2'.forEach((line) => print(line));

Experimental - allows you to get a stream of the output written by the called process. Truncates and Writes line to the file terminated by newline. If newline is null or isn't passed then the platform end of line characters are appended as defined by Platform().eol. Pass null or an '' to newline to not add a line terminator./// e.g.

'/tmp/log'.write('Start of Log')

See truncate, append. Use withOpenFile for better performance.


// TODO: restore
//Pipe operator |(String rhs) {
//   final rhsRunnable = RunnableProcess.fromCommandLine(rhs)
//     ..pipe(rhsRunnable.);

//   final lhsRunnable = RunnableProcess.fromCommandLine(this)
//     ..start(paused: true);

//   return Pipe(lhsRunnable, rhsRunnable);
// }

// // /// Experimental - DO NOT USE
// // Stream<String> get stream {
// //   var lhsRunnable = RunnableProcess.fromCommandLine(this);
// //   lhsRunnable.start(waitForStart: false);
// //   return lhsRunnable.stream;
// // }
// Stream<String> stream({
//   bool runInShell = false,
//   bool nothrow = false,
//   String workingDirectory,
// }) {
//   var runnable = RunnableProcess.fromCommandLine(this,
//       workingDirectory: workingDirectory);
//   runnable.run(runInShell: runInShell, nothrow: nothrow, terminal: false);
//   return runnable.stream.transform(utf8.decoder);
// }
/// Experimental - allows you to get a stream of the output written by the
/// called process.
// Future<Stream<String>> stream({
//   bool runInShell = false,
//   String? workingDirectory,
//   bool nothrow = false,
//   bool includeStderr = true,
//   bool extensionSearch = true,
// }) async {
//   final progress = Progress.stream(includeStderr: includeStderr);

//   await cmd.startStreaming(
//     this,
//     runInShell: runInShell,
//     progress: progress,
//     workingDirectory: workingDirectory,
//     nothrow: nothrow,
//     extensionSearch: extensionSearch,
//   );

//   return progress.stream
//       .map(String.fromCharCodes)
//       .transform(const LineSplitter());
// }

// /// Experimental - DO NOT USE
// Sink<List<int>> get sink {
//   final lhsRunnable = RunnableProcess.fromCommandLine(this)
//     ..start(
//         waitForStart: false, progress: Progress.devNull() as ProgressImpl);
//   return lhsRunnable.sink;
// }

// /// Experimental - DO NOT USE
// RunnableProcess get process {
//   final process = RunnableProcess.fromCommandLine(this)
//     ..start(
//         waitForStart: false, progress: Progress.devNull() as ProgressImpl);

//   return process;
// } // Treat the [this]  as the name of a file and

/// Truncates and Writes [line] to the file terminated by [newline].
/// If [newline] is null or isn't passed then the platform
/// end of line characters are appended as defined by
/// [Platform().eol].
/// Pass null or an '' to [newline] to not add a line terminator.///
/// e.g.
/// ```dart
/// '/tmp/log'.write('Start of Log')
/// ```
/// See [truncate], [append].
/// Use [withOpenFile] for better performance.
void write(String line, {String? newline}) {
  newline ??= core.eol;
  withOpenFile(this, (file) {
    file.write(line, newline: newline);