StringAsProcess extension

A set of String extensions that lets you execute the contents of a string as a command line application.

e.g. 'tail /var/log/syslog'.run;



firstLine String?
firstLine treats the contents of this String as a cli process and returns the first line written to stdout or stderr as a String. Returns null if no lines are returned.
no setter
lastLine String?
lastLine runs the contents of this String as a cli process and returns the last line written to stdout or stderr as a String.
no setter
run → void
Allows you to execute the contents of a dart string as a command line application. Any output from the command (stderr and stdout) is displayed on the console.
no setter


append(String line, {String? newline}) → void
Treat the contents of 'this' String as the name of a file and appends line to the file. If newline is null or isn't passed then the platform end of line characters are appended as defined by Platform().eol. Pass null or an '' to newline to not add a line terminator. /// e.g.
forEach(LineAction stdout, {LineAction stderr = _noOpAction, bool runInShell = false, bool extensionSearch = true}) → void
forEach runs the contents of this String as a command line application.
parser({bool runInShell = false}) → Parser
parser runs the contents of this String as a cli command line reading all of the returned data and then passes the read lines to a Parser to be decoded as a specific file type.
start({Progress? progress, bool runInShell = false, bool detached = false, bool terminal = false, bool nothrow = false, bool privileged = false, String? workingDirectory, bool extensionSearch = true}) Progress
Runs the contents of this String as a command line application.
toList({bool runInShell = false, int skipLines = 0, bool nothrow = false, String? workingDirectory, bool extensionSearch = true}) List<String>
toList runs the contents of this String as a cli command and returns any output written to stdout and stderr as a List<String>.
toParagraph({bool runInShell = false, int skipLines = 0, bool nothrow = false, String? workingDirectory, bool extensionSearch = true}) String
toParagraph runs the contents of this String as a CLI command and returns the lines written to stdout and stderr as a single String by join the lines with the platform specific line delimiter.
truncate() → void
Truncates a file by setting its length to zero.
write(String line, {String? newline}) → void
The classic bash style pipe operator. Allows you to chain multiple processes by piping the output of the left hand process to the input of the right hand process.