FetchData.fromFile constructor

  1. String pathToData, {
  2. String? mimeType,

Read the FetchData from a file where pathToData is the path to the file containing the data to send. pathToData may be relative or absolute. If the mimeType isn't passed then we use the file extension to determine the mimeType if that fails we revert to text/plain. throws FetchException if the file at pathToData does not exist or it is not a file.


FetchData.fromFile(String pathToData, {String? mimeType})
    : _pathToDataFile = pathToData,
      _type = _FetchDataType.path,
      _mimeType = mimeType ?? lookupMimeType(pathToData) ?? 'text/plain' {
  if (!exists(pathToData)) {
    throw FetchException('${core.truepath(pathToData)} does not exist');
  if (!isFile(pathToData)) {
    throw FetchException('${core.truepath(pathToData)} is not a file');