runDartCompiler method

void runDartCompiler(
  1. Script script, {
  2. required String pathToExe,
  3. Progress? progress,

Run the 'dart compiler' command. script is the path to the dcli script we are compiling. pathToExe is the path (including the filename) to write the compiled ex to .


void runDartCompiler(Script script,
    {required String pathToExe, Progress? progress}) {
  final runArgs = <String>[];

  RunnableProcess process;
  if (useDartCommand) {
    /// use dart compile exe
    process = RunnableProcess.fromCommandArgs(dartExeName, runArgs,
        workingDirectory: script.pathToScriptDirectory);
  } else {
    if (pathToDartToNativeExe == null) {
      throw DCliException('Unable to compile as the dart2native executable '
          'not found on your path.');

    /// use old dart2native

    process = RunnableProcess.fromCommandArgs(pathToDartToNativeExe!, runArgs,
        workingDirectory: script.pathToScriptDirectory);

    ..processUntilExit(progress, nothrow: false);