withLock method

void withLock(
  1. void fn(), {
  2. String? waiting,

creates a lock file and then calls fn once fn returns the lock is released. If waiting is passed it will be used to write a log message to the console.

Throws a DCliException if the NamedLock times out.


void withLock(
  void Function() fn, {
  String? waiting,
}) {
  final callingStackTrace = StackTraceImpl();
  var lockHeld = false;
  runZonedGuarded(() {
    try {
      _log('lockcount = $_lockCountForName');

      if (_lockCountForName > 0 || _takeLock(waiting)) {
        lockHeld = true;

    } finally {
      if (lockHeld) {
      // just in case an async exception can be thrown
      // I'm uncertain if this is a reality.
      lockHeld = false;
  }, (e, st) {
    if (lockHeld) {
    // final stackTrace = StackTraceImpl.fromStackTrace(st);

    if (e is DCliException) {
      throw e.copyWith(callingStackTrace);
    } else {
      throw DCliException.from(e, callingStackTrace);