StringAsProcess extension

A set of String extensions that lets you execute the contents of a string as a command line application.

e.g. 'tail /var/log/syslog'.run;



firstLine String?
firstLine treats the contents of this String as a cli process and returns the first line written to stdout or stderr as a String. Returns null if no lines are returned.
no setter
lastLine String?
lastLine runs the contents of this String as a cli process and returns the last line written to stdout or stderr as a String.
no setter
process → RunnableProcess
Experiemental - DO NOT USE
no setter
run → void
Allows you to execute the contents of a dart string as a command line appliation. Any output from the command (stderr and stdout) is displayed on the console.
no setter
shell → void
shell Runs the given string as a command in the OS shell.
no setter
sink Sink
Experiemental - DO NOT USE
no setter


append(String line, {String newline = '\n'}) → void
Treat the contents of this String as the name of a file and append line to the file. newline specifies the line termination character. If you don't want a newline appended then pass an empty string to newline. newline defaults to '\n'.
forEach(LineAction stdout, {LineAction stderr = _noOpAction, bool runInShell = false}) → void
forEach runs the contents of this String as a command line application.
parser({bool runInShell = false}) → Parser
parser runs the contents of this String as a cli command line reading all of the returned data and then passes the read lines to a Parser to be decoded as a specific file type.
start({Progress? progress, bool runInShell = false, bool detached = false, bool terminal = false, bool nothrow = false, bool privileged = false, String? workingDirectory}) → void
Runs the contents of this String as a command line application.
stream({bool runInShell = false, String? workingDirectory, bool nothrow = false, bool includeStderr = true}) Stream<String>
Experiemental - allows you to get a stream of the output written by the called process.
toList({bool runInShell = false, int skipLines = 0, bool nothrow = false}) List<String>
toList runs the contents of this String as a cli command and returns any output written to stdout and stderr as a List<String>.
truncate() → void
Truncates a file by setting its length to zero.
write(String line, {String newline = '\n'}) → void
Truncates and Writes line to the file terminated by newline. newline defaults to '\n'.


operator |(String rhs) → Pipe
The classic bash style pipe operator. Allows you to chain mulitple processes by piping the output of the left hand process to the input of the right hand process.