DBInterface class abstract

For a demonstration, class SQLiteDB implements DBInterface





db → dynamic
Database object
no setter
error Exception?
Contains the last exception if any
getter/setter pair
fields Map<String, List<String>>
Contains a list of columns of each table
no setter
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
inError bool
Indicate if there was a recent Database error
no setter
isDatabaseClosedError bool
Was there a 'Database Closed' error
no setter
isDatabaseException bool
Was there a 'Database Exception' error
no setter
isNoSuchTableError bool
Was there a 'No Such Table' error
no setter
isOpenFailedError bool
Was there a 'Open Failed' error
no setter
isReadOnlyError bool
Was there a 'ReadOnly' error
no setter
isSyntaxError bool
Was there a 'Syntax' error
no setter
isUniqueConstraintError bool
Was there a 'Unique Constraint' error
no setter
message String
Return any SQL or Database error message
no setter
name String
Name of the database
no setter
newrec Map<String, Map<String, dynamic>>
Create a new 'empty' record from a specified data table
no setter
noError bool
Returns true if there was not an error recently.
no setter
recsUpdated int?
The of records updated in the last Database operation
no setter
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
version int
Current Database version number Update with any data tables changes.
no setter


close() → void
Close the Database
delete(String table, int id) Future<int>
Delete a data table's record by its primary key Returns the number of records effected.
deleteRec(String table, {String? where, List? whereArgs}) Future<int>
Delete the specified record by using a where clause from the specified data table
disposed() → void
Called in a State object's dispose() function. Usually call close() function to close the Database. Leave the word 'dispose' to subclasses. gp
getRecord(String table, int id) Future<List<Map<String, dynamic>>>
Return a specific record by primary key from a specified data table
getRow(String table, int id, Map<String, dynamic> fields) Future<List<Map<String, dynamic>>>
Return the specified fields from a specified record by primary key from a specified data table
getTable(String table, {bool? distinct, String? where, List<Object?>? whereArgs, String? groupBy, String? having, String? orderBy, int? limit, int? offset}) Future<List<Map<String, dynamic>>>
Return a List of records from a specified data table.
init() Future<bool>
Called in the initState() function or the FutureBuilder(future: parameter Usually calls the open() function to open the Database
keyField(String table) Future<String?>
Return the primary key name from the specified data table
mapQuery(List<Map<String, dynamic>> query) List<Map<String, dynamic>>
Return a List of records from a query result
newRec(String table, [Map<String, dynamic>? data]) Map<String?, dynamic>
Create a new 'empty' record from a specified data table Specified the fields to come from the data table
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
open() Future<bool>
Opens the Database
query(String table, {List<String>? columns, bool? distinct, String? where, List<Object?>? whereArgs, String? groupBy, String? having, String? orderBy, int? limit, int? offset}) Future<List<Map<String, dynamic>>>
Returns a list of record from the specified data table based on its where clause
rawDelete(String sqlStmt, [List<Object?>? arguments]) Future<int>
Executes a raw SQL DELETE query and returns the number of changes made.
rawInsert(String sqlStmt, [List<Object?>? arguments]) Future<int>
Executes a raw SQL INSERT query and returns the last inserted row ID.
rawQuery(String sqlStmt) Future<List<Map<String, dynamic>>>
Executes a raw SQL SELECT query and returns a list of the rows that were found.
rawUpdate(String sqlStmt, [List? arguments]) Future<int>
Executes a raw SQL UPDATE query and returns the number of changes made.
runTxn(void func()) Future<void>
Initiate a Database transaction All sequences are rolled back in one among them fails.
saveMap(String? table, Map<String, dynamic>? values) Future<Map<String, dynamic>>
Save the specified record values to the specified data table Either parameters may be null
saveRec(String table, Map<String, dynamic> fldValues) Future<Map<String, dynamic>>
Save the specified record values to the specified data table Neither parameters can be null
tableColumns(String table) Future<List<Map<String, dynamic>>>
Return the field names of the specified data table
tableNames() Future<List<Map<String, dynamic>>>
Return a list of data tables in the Database
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
updateRec(String table, Map<String, dynamic> fields) Future<Map<String, dynamic>>
Update the specified record from the specified data table


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.