DBusRemoteObjectManager constructor

  1. DBusClient client, {
  2. required String name,
  3. required DBusObjectPath path,

Creates an object that access accesses a remote D-Bus object manager using bus name with path. Requires the remote object to implement the org.freedesktop.DBus.ObjectManager interface.


DBusRemoteObjectManager(DBusClient client,
    {required String name, required DBusObjectPath path})
    : super(client, name: name, path: path) {
  var rawSignals =
      DBusSignalStream(client, sender: name, pathNamespace: path);
  signals = rawSignals.map((signal) {
    if (signal.interface == 'org.freedesktop.DBus.ObjectManager' &&
        signal.name == 'InterfacesAdded' &&
        signal.signature == DBusSignature('oa{sa{sv}}')) {
      return DBusObjectManagerInterfacesAddedSignal(signal);
    } else if (signal.interface == 'org.freedesktop.DBus.ObjectManager' &&
        signal.name == 'InterfacesRemoved' &&
        signal.signature == DBusSignature('oas')) {
      return DBusObjectManagerInterfacesRemovedSignal(signal);
    } else if (signal.interface == 'org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties' &&
        signal.name == 'PropertiesChanged' &&
        signal.signature == DBusSignature('sa{sv}as')) {
      return DBusPropertiesChangedSignal(signal);
    } else {
      return signal;