parseStyleGuideViolation method

  1. @visibleForTesting
CodeStyleViolation parseStyleGuideViolation(
  1. String violation, [
  2. String? projectDir

Parse a lint result line.

violation to be parsed.

projectDir containing this file.


CodeStyleViolation parseStyleGuideViolation(
  final String violation, [
  String? projectDir,
]) {
  if (violation.isEmpty) {
    throw const UnrecoverableException(
      'violation check is empty',

  final Iterable<RegExpMatch> matches = _regexp.allMatches(violation);

  if (matches.isEmpty) {
    if (violation.endsWith('is a part and cannot be analyzed.')) {
      String filePath = violation.split(' ').first;

      if (projectDir != null) {
        filePath = getFileRelativePath(filePath, projectDir);

      return CodeStyleViolation.invalid(filePath);

    throw UnrecoverableException(
      'Does not match any of the expected value: $violation ',
  } else {
    final RegExpMatch result = matches.single;

    // starting from one because it's the
    final ViolationSeverity severity = ViolationSeverity.withId(result[1]!);
    final String type = result[2]!;
    final String rule = result[3]!;

    String filePath = result[4]!;

    if (projectDir != null) {
      filePath = getFileRelativePath(filePath, projectDir);

    final int lineNumber = int.parse(result[5]!);
    final int lineColumn = int.parse(result[6]!);
    final String lintRuleDescription = result[8]!;

    return CodeStyleViolation(
      severity: severity,
      type: type,
      file: filePath,
      line: lineNumber,
      lineColumn: lineColumn,
      rule: rule,
      ruleDescription: lintRuleDescription,