showPicker function
- BuildContext? context,
- required TimeOfDay value,
- required void onChange(),
- void onChangeDateTime()?,
- void onCancel()?,
- bool is24HrFormat = false,
- Color? accentColor,
- Color? unselectedColor,
- String cancelText = "Cancel",
- String okText = "Ok",
- Image? sunAsset,
- Image? moonAsset,
- bool blurredBackground = false,
- bool ltrMode = true,
- Color barrierColor = Colors.black45,
- double? borderRadius,
- double? elevation,
- EdgeInsets? dialogInsetPadding = const EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 40.0, vertical: 24.0),
- bool barrierDismissible = true,
- bool iosStylePicker = false,
- bool displayHeader = true,
- String hourLabel = 'hours',
- String minuteLabel = 'minutes',
- MinuteInterval minuteInterval = MinuteInterval.ONE,
- bool disableMinute = false,
- bool disableHour = false,
- double minMinute = 0,
- double maxMinute = 59,
- ThemeData? themeData,
- bool focusMinutePicker = false,
- double minHour = double.infinity,
- double maxHour = double.infinity,
- TextStyle okStyle = const TextStyle(fontWeight: FontWeight.bold),
- TextStyle cancelStyle = const TextStyle(fontWeight: FontWeight.bold),
- ButtonStyle? buttonStyle,
- ButtonStyle? cancelButtonStyle,
- double? buttonsSpacing,
The function that shows the DayNightTimePicker
This function takes in the following parameters:
value - Required
Display value. It takes in TimeOfDay.
onChange - Required
Return the new time the user picked as TimeOfDay.
onChangeDateTime - Return the new time the user picked as DateTime.
onCancel - Custom callback for the Cancel button. Note: if provided, it will override the default behavior of the Cancel button.
is24HrFormat - Show the time in TimePicker in 24 hour format. Defaults to false
accentColor - Accent color of the TimePicker. Defaults to Theme.of(context).accentColor
unselectedColor - Color applied unselected options (am/pm, hour/minute). Defaults to Colors.grey
cancelText - Text displayed for the Cancel button. Defaults to cancel
okText - Text displayed for the Ok button. Defaults to ok
sunAsset - Image asset used for the Sun. Default asset provided.
moonAsset - Image asset used for the Moon. Default asset provided.
blurredBackground - Whether to blur the background of the Modal
. Defaults to false
barrierColor - Color of the background of the Modal
. Defaults to Colors.black45
borderRadius - Border radius of the Container in double
. Defaults to 10.0
elevation - Elevation of the Modal
in double. Defaults to 12.0
dialogInsetPadding - Inset padding of the Modal
in EdgeInsets. Defaults to EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 40.0, vertical: 24.0)
barrierDismissible - Whether clicking outside should dismiss the Modal
. Defaults to true
iosStylePicker - Whether to display a IOS style picker (Not exactly the same). Defaults to false
displayHeader - Whether to display the sun moon animation. Defaults to true
hourLabel - The label to be displayed for hour
picker. Only for iosStylePicker. Defaults to 'hours'
minuteLabel - The label to be displayed for minute
picker. Only for iosStylePicker. Defaults to 'minutes'
minuteInterval - Steps interval while changing minute
. Accepts MinuteInterval
enum. Defaults to MinuteInterval.ONE
disableMinute - Disables the minute picker. Defaults to false
disableHour - Disables the hour picker. Defaults to false
maxHour - Selectable maximum hour. Defaults to 12
| 23
maxMinute - Selectable maximum minute. Defaults to 59
minHour - Selectable minimum hour. Defaults to 0
| 1
minMinute - Selectable minimum minute. Defaults to 0
focusMinutePicker - Whether or not the minute picker is auto focus/selected. Defaults to false
themeData - ThemeData to use for the widget.
okStyle - Ok button's text style. Defaults to const TextStyle(fontWeight: FontWeight.bold)
cancelStyle - Cancel button's text style. Defaults to const TextStyle(fontWeight: FontWeight.bold)
PageRouteBuilder showPicker({
BuildContext? context,
required TimeOfDay value,
required void Function(TimeOfDay) onChange,
void Function(DateTime)? onChangeDateTime,
void Function()? onCancel,
bool is24HrFormat = false,
Color? accentColor,
Color? unselectedColor,
String cancelText = "Cancel",
String okText = "Ok",
Image? sunAsset,
Image? moonAsset,
bool blurredBackground = false,
bool ltrMode = true,
Color barrierColor = Colors.black45,
double? borderRadius,
double? elevation,
EdgeInsets? dialogInsetPadding = const EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 40.0, vertical: 24.0),
bool barrierDismissible = true,
bool iosStylePicker = false,
bool displayHeader = true,
String hourLabel = 'hours',
String minuteLabel = 'minutes',
MinuteInterval minuteInterval = MinuteInterval.ONE,
bool disableMinute = false,
bool disableHour = false,
double minMinute = 0,
double maxMinute = 59,
ThemeData? themeData,
bool focusMinutePicker = false,
// Infinity is used so that we can assert whether or not the user actually set a value
double minHour = double.infinity,
double maxHour = double.infinity,
TextStyle okStyle = const TextStyle(fontWeight: FontWeight.bold),
TextStyle cancelStyle = const TextStyle(fontWeight: FontWeight.bold),
ButtonStyle? buttonStyle,
ButtonStyle? cancelButtonStyle,
double? buttonsSpacing,
}) {
if (minHour == double.infinity) {
minHour = 0;
if (maxHour == double.infinity) {
maxHour = 23;
assert(!(disableHour == true && disableMinute == true),
"Both \"disableMinute\" and \"disableHour\" cannot be true.");
assert(!(disableMinute == true && focusMinutePicker == true),
"Both \"disableMinute\" and \"focusMinutePicker\" cannot be true.");
assert(maxMinute <= 59, "\"maxMinute\" must be less than or equal to 59");
assert(minMinute >= 0, "\"minMinute\" must be greater than or equal to 0");
assert(maxHour <= 23 && minHour >= 0, "\"minHour\" and \"maxHour\" should be between 0-23");
final timeValue = Time.fromTimeOfDay(value);
return PageRouteBuilder(
pageBuilder: (context, _, __) {
if (iosStylePicker) {
return Theme(
data: themeData ?? Theme.of(context),
child: const DayNightTimePickerIos(),
} else {
return Theme(
data: themeData ?? Theme.of(context),
child: const DayNightTimePickerAndroid(),
transitionDuration: const Duration(milliseconds: 200),
transitionsBuilder: (context, anim, secondAnim, child) => SlideTransition(
begin: const Offset(0, 0.15),
end: const Offset(0, 0),
CurveTween(curve: Curves.ease),
child: FadeTransition(
opacity: anim,
child: TimeModelBinding(
initialTime: timeValue,
isInlineWidget: false,
onChange: onChange,
onChangeDateTime: onChangeDateTime,
onCancel: onCancel,
is24HrFormat: is24HrFormat,
displayHeader: displayHeader,
accentColor: accentColor,
unselectedColor: unselectedColor,
cancelText: cancelText,
okText: okText,
sunAsset: sunAsset,
moonAsset: moonAsset,
blurredBackground: blurredBackground,
borderRadius: borderRadius,
elevation: elevation,
dialogInsetPadding: dialogInsetPadding,
minuteInterval: minuteInterval,
disableMinute: disableMinute,
disableHour: disableHour,
maxHour: maxHour,
maxMinute: maxMinute,
minHour: minHour,
minMinute: minMinute,
focusMinutePicker: focusMinutePicker,
okStyle: okStyle,
cancelStyle: cancelStyle,
buttonStyle: buttonStyle,
cancelButtonStyle: cancelButtonStyle,
buttonsSpacing: buttonsSpacing,
hourLabel: hourLabel,
minuteLabel: minuteLabel,
ltrMode: ltrMode,
child: child,
barrierDismissible: barrierDismissible,
opaque: false,
barrierColor: barrierColor,