show method

void show(
  1. String _caller,
  2. String action,
  3. int margin

Called by: User!! Not from this class. To show matrix AND mediate it to glb.buf


void show(String _caller, String action, int margin) {
  //  put 'peg' in row_14, col_0, for table to fill screen.
  //  Is this enough?  handles  0 - 8 - 27?
  String _margin = ''.padRight(margin, ' ');
  rowMark12(); //  put 175 at the end of row 12
  String _s = _matrix.length.toString();
  print(' $_s  dawo-boxServe-show matrixLength.');

  ///  if.. is awkward
  ///  TODO print    Parameter int _indent, for to set column / left margin in print.
  if (action == 'print') {
    for (var x in _matrix) {
      //  only way!!
  //  return _matrix;  //  if type is: List<String>
  ///  Save box-buffer to:   glb.boxServeBuffers Map
  //  howTo NULL  add null check to the target:  !  OK  workds
  //  logM[boxNumS].addAll([_caller, 'SHOW']);
  logM[boxNumS]!.addAll([_caller, 'SHOW']);