plugins property

Map<String, String> plugins
getter/setter pair



Map<String, String> plugins = {
  'Completed: Maybe feb 2019.': 'No pressure.',
  'Plans for 2018  ': 'Value, Effort, Done',
  '0.9.6 Complete Web app. Maybe Angular.': 'V:9 E:9 D:0',
  '0.9.0 Mill, elementary presentaton.': 'V:9 E:8 D:0',
  '0.8.0 Test cleaning, benchmarks, overall celaning': 'V:5 E:4 D:0',
  '0.7.0 Clay data and Chores interconnecting.': 'V:5 E:6 D:0',
  '0.6.0 Server framework, likely Dart Angel by Toby.': 'V:5 E:4 D:0',
  '0.5.0 PLUG: JSON import all data.': 'V:5 E:4 D:0',
  '0.4.0 Elementary WEB show.': 'V:5 E:7 D:0',
  '0.3.0 Simple server, localStorage, DB, maybe Mongo.': 'V:5 E:4 D:0',
  '0.2.0 Demos and Plugins to simulate commercial app.': 'V:4 E:4 D:0',
  '0.1.0 Elementary CL / console app.': 'V:5 E:4 D:0',