buildMemos method

void buildMemos(
  1. String caller,
  2. dynamic msg

Fill devMemo lists with data. dawo_app calls this in it's build-method!


void buildMemos(String caller, msg) {
  //  devl:DEV howTo String   write many line String.  From
  var interpolation = "interpolation";
  var combi = "a string "
      "that goes over multiple lines "
      "and uses $interpolation "
      r"and \raw strings";
  //  -----  code Sample

    ..add('   * * *  doneL to keep track of daily Dawo changes.   * * * ')
    ..add('NEXT: Internal systematics. Most critical improvements.')
    ..add('NEXT: User :promo: simulated data #dayActions. Server-client ?.')
    ..add('NEXT: SearchList of important dawo terms to example-file :con:m:')
    ..add('NEXT: ouput clean after: con - corp console schedule.')
    ..add('NEXT: more dawoApp class and output, clean and reshape.')
    ..add('NEXT: dawo-State box_serve presentation with 12 boxes.')
    ..add('NEXT: All Dawo-Objects presentation with box_serve.')
    ..add('Maybe:  Make debBox a class')
    ..add('SOON: LOOP: say - analyze - con - effort - affair - schedule.')
    ..add('NEXT:0.1 #Huilo: #Hypertext Unfriendly-Incursion-Level #Observer.')
    ..add('NEXT: Example new mission: useful, chore: #FoodFinder, #pundit  ')
    ..add('Moving from 0.0.6 to 0.0.7. 18.12.2017, Git and Pub.')
    ..add('Add parameter #name to con.join.')
    ..add('Equipment aso many Lists changed to maps.')
    ..add('Fill placardM with #LANG-like data')
    ..add('Regularize mission names for connector.join /solve.')
    ..add('scout moved out from mission to library camp / Scout class.')
    ..add('boxServe; modifys & save 6 buf to glb.boxServeBuffers for Web.')
    ..add('example shows glb.keyWords-used/rarely-used/important in devBox.')
    ..add('Big changes and modification in mission-connector aso.')
    ..add('infoM renamed: say. in Mission, app, def, alpha, con. ')
    ..add('Mission and dawoApp Modification')
    ..add('Mission report modified + rollSchedule, stFlags, placardM aso.')
    ..add('Mission infoM modified, filled for each M in missions_data.')
    ..add('st-Map fields wake & work, prefious: off  on.')
    ..add('scoutSolve sketch: access to placardM and clause via memberM.')
    ..add('All opX in mission, and opJoin in connector, renamed to: scoutX')
    ..add('Pubspec: io: ^0.3.0, http: http_server: any, browser: ^0.10.0+2 ')
    ..add('boxServe boxCount to hdr and *p e g* to mark row 14 for scfreen.')
    ..add('boxServe template used to add BaseStruct fields to matrix.')
    ..add('Simulate user actions: with: #dayActions, use boxServe template.')
    ..add('Dev class clean and separate class devHelp.')
    ..add('Mission: Fix render:BUG: and gave name variable more visibility.')
    ..add('Version 0.0.6 changes, and publish to pub and gitHub.')
    ..add('boxServe: box-output for dawoApp & glb. More st-Maps in classes.')
    ..add('Map state; st added to some classes.')
    ..add('boxServe: box-output for bind and connector AND to everybody.')
    ..add('Hide  ALL  flow-output. Do it with :glb: user parameters.')
    ..add('Enhancement: folders #corp #mis and #dev to group files.')
    ..add('Extract glb class from beta-library to: src.')
    ..add('Extract GlobalOp from beta to: src as: affair.')
    ..add('Reolve: word-preferences, class to src/  Out of connector class.')
    ..add('Connector class-opJoin  modification')
    ..add(':bind: moved from connector to own library: class Bind in src/.')
    ..add(':bind: / binding in opCom:con: and shower: data and more clarity.')
    ..add('dawo_example.dart had total reconstruct. Was really needed.')
    ..add('Connector & Corporation > opCom console outPut in schedule.')
    ..add('Made shower.scheduleBox() a class.')
    ..add('Solved BUG: m.opRoll: autoRollFunc-Works. #NAME: :courier:Func.')
    ..add('Out-comment all typedef stuff, use effPrint & flowC.')
    ..add('Marked BUG: when mission-render : choreL list is emptyl')
    ..add('Marked BUG: m-render to mission.opRoll: autoRollFunc DoNotWork')
    ..add('Cleared all -not-used-library errors.')
    ..add('beta -library total renovation, and connections to it.')
    ..add('base_struct & base_lib renamed to: alpha and  beta -libraries.')
    ..add('New Store class, all Streams are now: supply and demand.')
    ..add('6 class Group and Member in base_struct. RENAMED: alpha. !!')
    ..add('Corporate class, previous #common operate from beta.dart.')
    ..add('6 Solving chaos : changing names to privat and original ones.')
    ..add('6 Solving chaos : console output is now only 22 screens.')
    ..add('6 solving chaos : :who:did:this: to mark outputs in console.')
    ..add('6 Nearing chaos : was hard to spot: #whoPrintedThisToConsole.')
    ..add('6 typedef effPrint conPrint aso and method inside class.')
    ..add('6 Connector: much activity; ERROR: dartdoc fails.  ')
    ..add('6 dawolang: using 0.0.1 in connector opJoin to check #words.')
    ..add('5  Shorter names, dawo away: connector.dart, mill.dart.')
    ..add('5  Effort-diagonal got recommendation and JSON lists.')
    ..add('5  Only Chore knows the one and only instance of Effort.')
    ..add('5  JSON stuff moved from Effort to clay/user_json.dart.')
    ..add('5  Shower: all screen presentations moved here.')
    ..add('5  Formed iterable-diagonal preentation with boxed add-on-lists.')
    ..add('5  Changed choreL mlists to maps.')
    ..add('5  Splitted cheduleBox functions parts to tools.')
    ..add('5-  Effort class for user-chore-data. And JSON data handling. ')
    ..add('5-02 Cascades in devMemos and names are now: admN, devN aso.')
    ..add('5-01 All in tools removed inside a new Tool, tl class.')
    ..add('10 In analyzis options file: analyzer: strong-mode: true.')
    ..add('9 Added copyright notice to every lib/ file.')
    ..add('8 Changed library dawo_tools name to: tools.dart.')
    ..add('7 Equipment, equ class to keep material and name resources.')
        '6 Missions specific op-methods, cheduleBox for resource allocating.')
    ..add('dev: doneL added to keep track of fast changes. 10.10.17')
    ..add('flow.fServe: added flowI event counter. In beta: flowI. 10.10.17')
    ..add('Mission: shortened arrows: -->-m--> and  <-m--<--. 10.10.17.')
    ..add('Info about older memos should apper in lists.');

      'adm: #Principle: do not mess, keep it simple.',
      'schedule : meeting thursday.'
        ['adm: Must be strict all the time.', 'Keep good care of people.'])
      'adm: Week schedule must include total check at least 3 times in a week.',
      'System cleaning of old log-memos is not necessary every week. 2 times in a month is enough.'

    'Priority: rumba and web.',
    'Create all instances in the  ?? ri? lib.'
  innoN.add('Order - obey fields for master - servant objects. #chore.');
  innoN.addAll(['-Counters?', 'Mongo-DB', 'Indexed-DB', 'User-class']);
  innoN.add('#CallChain, to track call-route of every current command.');
    ..addAll(['Web-html?', 'Typedef?', 'Connector?', 'Streams?', 'Async?'])
        ['Name: base-lib?', 'User-action?', 'Print-output-variables-logos.']);
      ['Restrict use of certain methods.', 'Create up-level password.']);