bugL property

List<String> bugL
getter/setter pair

:BUG:s from gitHub heiklap:dawo


List<String> bugL = [
  'Control console print for every or certain objects; howTo implement?',
  'ALREADY INITIALIZED BUILD CHORE", in app_chore_play.dart ',
  'Testing DartDevCompiler, In IntelliJ IDEA',
  'Libraries give better information in dartdoc, than "parts". Wanna good documents? ',
  'Direction and purpose of this package. Or just a collection of data. ',
  'dawlib_base s role was unclear; it emptied, to get new content. name: base_lib',
  'Streams must be checked against latest Dart language changes. ',
  'Chore is based on my other package; I am building here smaller and more handy version of it. ',
  'Overall comments missing in many places, functions and methods aso. ',
  'aldente functions have some logical name-not-corresponding-functionality -errors. ',