tfDyn method

void tfDyn(
  1. String rf()

Dynamic-parameter-function, that is used to run other function in tests. It is called: tfDyn(testSomething); devl:DEV Function parameter Check these String / type errors.


void tfDyn(String rf()) {
  //A value of type 'toString' cannot be assigned to a variable of type 'String'
  String _s = rf();

  //  howTo get runtime type of function rf()?
  //  String _sType = rf.runTimeType();
  //  devl:DEV Function getter
  //  There is no such getter 'runTimeType' in 'Function'
  //  String _sRunTimeType = rf..runTimeType;    //.runTimeType;
  print('------------>>-->>--    Beginning:   $_s');
  //  print(_sType);
  print('--<<--<<------------    End of test  \n');