build method
void build(String _caller) {
for (var z = 1; z < _matrix.length; z++) {
// do not handle first row.
// pad with low-density mark.
_matrix[z] = '$_colPos '.padRight(_sw, '-');
_matrix[0] =
'--m-schedule--$_caller-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------dartlang app Dawo 1.1.0 -';
/// Last row of matrix for range-10 marks; row = : _rc - 1
_matrix[_rc - 1] =
//NO _matrix.forEach(print);
// Fill list-data in matrix in r, _c coordinates.
// parameters now:: int _r, int _c, List<String> boxL, List<String> _mL)
// new parameters: _items, _w
/// fix2.0.0
void anchorBox(int _r, int _c, _items, _w, List<String> __l) {
tl.boxInList(_r, _c, _items, _w, __l, _matrix);
//NO #print: print(_matrix);
} // ----- anchorBox
/// Marks left of console screen to put table in convenient place for to see.
void eyeMark14() {
int pegC = min(_matrix.length, 14);
anchorBox(pegC, 0, 1, 6, ['pegXLZ']); // Lay "screen-watch-anchor"
anchorBox(3, 5, 100, 100, [
'** Mission-op development experience; highly usable stuff',
'** Presenting available objects in scope. **'
anchorBox(6, 5, 100, 100, ['IDEA:', 'IDEA:', 'NOTE:', 'NOTE:']);
anchorBox(3, 80, 100, 100, tl.mapToFineList(equ.officeCities, 10, 10));
anchorBox(12, 10, 100, 100, tl.mapToFineList(equ.areas, 8, 10));
anchorBox(10, 82, 100, 100, tl.mapToFineList(, 10, 10));
anchorBox(26, 8, 100, 100, tl.mapToFineList(equ.weekDays, 4, 14));
anchorBox(22, 60, 100, 100, tl.mapToFineList(equ.months, 10, 22));
anchorBox(33, 44, 100, 100, tl.mapToFineList(equ.programAreas, 8, 10));
anchorBox(1, 123, 100, 100, _resAllocL);
// Usable resources: toolsActiveM, toolsSpeedM,status
eyeMark14(); // mark 'peg' to put screen table to screen.