infoBoxOutNow method

List<String> infoBoxOutNow(
  1. Map<String, String> inM,
  2. int _k,
  3. dynamic _v, [
  4. int margin = 0,

Small lined box using optional parameter in function. First: shaping map in tools, tl, library for k, v, widths. If the parameter can’t be null, then either provide a default value: howTo NULL void f(int x = 1) {}


List<String> infoBoxOutNow(Map<String, String> inM, int _k, _v, [int margin = 0]) {
  List<String> infoL = tl.mapToFineList(inM, _k, _v);
  String _sideMark = '|';

  String indent = '';

  int width = tl.longestItemInList(infoL);
  //  QUEST: It can not be this hard :)
  String _ruler = '|'.padRight(width + 1, '=');
  String _sr = ('$_ruler$_sideMark');
  String _ruler2 = _sr;

  String _rulerHeader = '|==:infoBox:='.padRight(width + 1, '=');
  String _srHeader = ('$_rulerHeader$_sideMark');
  String _rulerHeader2 = _srHeader;

  //  No margin, if optional parameter not set.
  //  The operand can't be NULL so the condition is always true

  indent = ''.padRight(margin, ' ');

  List<String> infoL2 = [];
  int _length = infoL.length;
  for (var x = 0; x < _length; x++) {
    String _s = '';
    if (infoL[x].length > width) _s = infoL[x].substring(0, width);
    if (infoL[x].length < width) _s = infoL[x].padRight(width, ' ');
    if (infoL[x].length == width) _s = infoL[x];
    String _sideMark = '|';
    String _s2 = '$_sideMark$_s$_sideMark';

  /// Returned list includes possible margin.
  return infoL2;