renderDawo function

StringBuffer renderDawo()

Example of library usage: dawo_app can be accessed from here, but users of package can access it only by importing it. Almost all render.. functions are tests or example-like files.


///  Almost all render.. functions are tests or example-like files.
StringBuffer renderDawo() {
  print('\n ---------------  renderDawo rolling -------------------------');
  var renderBuffer = StringBuffer();
  renderBuffer.writeln('\n ------ renderBuffer starting  ------------ \n');

  dawoApp.init('dawoTestApp', 'in void renderDawo ');
  dawoApp.packageM['agenda']; //  Just naming it.

  /// Just another instance, shorter, for testing.
  DawoApp da = DawoApp();
  da.init('dawoApp', 'playing in renderDawo-function');
  Mill mill = Mill();

  /// -------------------------------- testing  getters and setters
  /// HINT:  with getters you can make code, that works NOW
  /// -------------       bool.. use some getters for testing
  //  NOTE: howTo:   getters can not be defined withing methods or functions;
  //  bool get dawoOn   => dawoFlags.on;
  //  bool get dawoActive =>;  //  stupid name
  //  dawoOn; //  just naming it
  //  dawoActive;

  renderBuffer.writeln('------- renderBuffer data--------------------- \n');
  Mission missionY = Mission('mission in dawo_src-render', 'test-mission');;
  //Private:  no access and no need for it.  missionY._opCount;

  renderBuffer.writeln('--------renderBuffer done -------------------- \n');
  print('---------------  renderDawo * done *  --------------------- \n');

  return renderBuffer;