whyDartM property
Map<String, String> whyDartM = {
'true': 'Dart has only one boolean value representing the true.',
'class': 'Single inheritance with mixins. ',
'functions': 'First class functions. ',
'scope': 'Lexically structured scope. ',
'core': 'Automatically loaded tight core library. ',
'object': 'Every Dart object inherits from object. ',
'Lang': 'Well developed and structured modular language. ',
'Pub': 'Package manager for code sharing.. ',
'Async-await': 'In addition to futures. ',
'isolates': 'Work on threads, communicate by ports. ',
'Angular': 'Web framework. ',
'Flutter': 'Mobile framework. ',
'Tools': 'Static analyzer, VM, code-formatter, Observatory, DartPad ',
'Server-client': ' ',