faqDartM property

Map<String, String> faqDartM
getter/setter pair


Map<String, String> faqDartM = {
  'Isn’t Dart a lot like Java?': 'Dart has some similarities with Java.',
  'How does Dart relate to Go?':
      '.. they are independent and have different goals. As a result, they make different choices, and the languages have very different natures ..',
  'Why isn’t Dart more like x y z?':
      'Various reasons, depending on the language being asked about.',
  'Why isn’t Dart syntax more exciting?':
      'We did throw in some nice syntactic features such as this. constructor args and => for one-line functions, but Dart chooses familiarity over excitement.',
  'Does Dart have reflection capabilities?':
      'For servers and command-line scripts, we have reflection support from the mirrors API.',
  'Can Dart add tuples, pattern matching, non-nullable types, partial evaluation, optional semicolons?':
      'The Dart language is now at 1.x, and Dart 2.0 is in development. Future releases might be able to include your feature',
  'Is Dart a statically typed language?':
      'With both types of checks, Dart has a sound type system. Types won’t be optional in Dart 2.0.',
  'What is strong mode?':
      'Strong mode contributes to Dart’s implementation of a sound type system.',
  'Why are generics covariant?':
      '.. fit a common intuition that programmers have..  such as in the common “read-only” use of a generic.',
  //  TODO  and more.. tools:
  //  '' : ' ',