dartToolM property

Map<String, String> dartToolM
getter/setter pair

dartlang tools map


Map<String, String> dartToolM = {
      'great way to learn Dart syntax and to experiment with Dart language features and core libraries (except for dart:io and libraries that depend on dart:io).',
      'Manages Dart packages, making it easy for you to install, use, and share Dart libraries, command-line tools, and other assets.',
      'Use dartdoc to generate HTML documentaton for your Dart package. https://github.com/dart-lang/dartdoc',
      'The Dart development compiler (dartdevc, also known as DDC) lets you run and debug your Dart web app in Chrome.',
      'Formats your code, following the recommendations of the Dart Style Guide. IDEs that support Dart generally allow you to format the code within the IDE.',
      'The Standalone VM. You can use the dart tool (bin/dart) to run Dart command-line apps such as server-side scripts, programs, and servers.',
      'Observatory is a tool for profiling and debugging your apps. You can use .. flags to enable Observatory and to instruct the VM to delay the start up, or the exit, of an isolate',
  'IDE s':
      'Dart plugins exist for many commonly used IDEs. If you’re writing web apps and don’t already have a favorite IDE, try WebStorm, which comes with Dart support.',
  'Static Analyzer':
      'Evaluates and reports any errors or warnings in your code. The Dart plugin for your IDE should make use of Dart’s analysis engine ..',
      'Google builds many critical web apps using the Dart programming language, often with AngularDart.',
      '.. lowers the bar to entry for building mobile apps. It speeds up development of mobile apps and reduces the cost and complexity of app production across iOS and Android.',
      'AngularDart is a web app framework that focuses on productivity, performance, and stability. Hundreds of Google engineers use AngularDart..',
      'Polymer.dart is a new type of library for the web, built on top of Web Components, and designed to leverage the evolving web platform on modern browsers.  ..Polymer is just one of several web libraries available for Dart.',
  'b': ' '