renderDawoStreams method

void renderDawoStreams()

TODO HTML not allowed in VM

testing and playing with above streams, show output


void presentButtonClickStream() {
var button = new ButtonElement();

button.text = "Foo";
var clickCount = 0;
button.onClick.listen((mouseEvent) {
  print("clicked"); // remain subscribed for all clicks

var subscription = button.onClick.listen(null);
subscription.onData((mouseEvent) {
  print("copy that");
  if (clickCount == 3) {
    subscription.cancel(); // unsubscribe after the third click
}     //     -----     presentButtonClickStream

var tempsStream = new Stream.fromIterable(musicTemps);

 // subscribe to the streams events
void listenMusicStream() {
 tempsStream.listen((value) {       //
 print("Received: $value");  // onData handler
}     //     -----     listenMusicStream

/*  io.example.   do  not work on html / browser side
import 'dart:io';

main() {
File file = new File("some_file.txt");
    .transform(UTF8.decoder) // use a UTF8.decoder
    .listen((String data) => print(data), // output the data
      onError: (error) => print("Error, could not open file"),
      onDone: () => print("Finished reading data"));

///  testing and playing with above streams, show output
void renderDawoStreams() {
  //  code here
  print('\n ***   renderDawoStream   Nothing to see here now   *** \n ');