encoded property

String encoded
getter/setter pair

************** JSON example material ************************** #QUEST : howTo mediate incoming data to user in JSON format? https://api.dartlang.org/stable/1.24.2/dart-convert/JsonCodec-class.html encode(Object value, { dynamic toEncodable(object) }) → String Converts value to a JSON string. decode(String source, { dynamic reviver(key, value) }) → dynamic Parses the string and returns the resulting Json object.

Class from json: Type t = Animal; Example: Simulating user imported data with: JSON. // in dart:convert #dartFMT has funny way to write JSON


///  decode(String source, { dynamic reviver(key, value) }) → dynamic
///  Parses the string and returns the resulting Json object.
/// Class from json:   Type t = Animal;
//  new t.fromJson(...);
///  Example: Simulating user imported data with: JSON.  //  in dart:convert
///  #dartFMT has funny way to write JSON
var encoded = json.encode([
  {"a": null}