phrasesM property

Map<String, String> phrasesM
getter/setter pair

separate phrases and said, picked from net and


Map<String, String> phrasesM = {
  'ABS': ' ',
  'Angular Dart':
      'AngularDart has a reputation as a framework that produces streamlined and blazing-fast code.',
  'a': ' ',
  'b': ' ',
  'Call method':
      'Given all the complications the call method, the language team intends to eventually remove this feature from the language.',
  'c': ' ',
  'Class': ' ',
  'd': ' ',
      'When I forget everything dart, and remember just 1 thing, this thing is: endIndex is exclusive. ',
  'Explicit': 'Stated clearly, leaving no space for hesitation or doubt.',
  'Function': ' ',
  'Fail': ' ',
      'flutter comes down to the fact that it has rational and simple rules around layouts positioning.',
  'Type Generic': 'Because Darts generic types are covariant... ',
  'Type Subtyping':
      'Usually, subtyping is written using the "<:" operator: Apple <: Fruit.',
      'Haters are gonna hate. Their fortress do not survive without hate.'
      'Not knowledge on bet, but money.',
  'http': 'With http you always have to import http/browser_client.dart.',
  'i': ' ',
  'Instance': ' ',
  'int': ' ',
  'j': ' ',
  'k': ' ',
  'l': ' ',
  'Match': ' ',
  'Method Overloading':
      'method overloading. I think this is also considered for the future.'
      'Was not possible in Dart 1.x because of optional types',
      'Mirror is good if you are 1% of Dart users and do not mind of AOT.',
      ' Getting dart:core null clean was about two days of work, while also battling a cold. That iss not a lot of effort.',
  'num': ' ',
  'Object': ' ',
      'When you launch your app in debug mode, it should print an URL that allows you to access Observatory',
      'Milestone, relief. Stops development of package for three days. ',
  'Queue': 'cattle herd from a narrow gate. ',
  'R': ' ',
  'Strong mode':
      '..optional in the first version of the language. Integrated part of the second.',
  'Strong mode2': 'analyzer: stronge-mode should be in analysis_options.yaml',
  'T': ' ',
      'The only time you need to use this. is when a local variable with the same name shadows the member you want to access.',
  'Type': 'Typesystems help you scale. The type system gives us guarantees.',
  'U': ' ',
  'Void': 'void is not a user-accessible Type (yet) .. isnt that 2.0',
      '..write more explicit code and eliminating the potential for a runtime error is the right tradeoff every day of the week.',