process method

StringBuffer process(
  1. String by,
  2. Affair _affairOp,
  3. Map<String, String> placardM,
  4. Function _assigned,

caller: chore-op Call: _retBuf.write( Shaping everybody-to-use functionality for.. Map explicitly make it <String, String>


//  corporate.process(':Ch-Op:', chOpClass, placardM, assignComProChore));
///  Shaping everybody-to-use functionality for..
///  Map explicitly make it <String, String>
StringBuffer process(
    String by, Affair _affairOp, Map<String, String> placardM, Function _assigned) {
  ///  NOTE  callers placardM is here now.
  print(':corporate: process begins:');
  String infoS1 =
      '#Caller have accessed #corporate.process, where it will hava access in all public resources, ';
  String infoS2 = 'and it can interact with other users.';
  List<String> _li1 = [];
  StringBuffer _cpBuf = new StringBuffer();
    ..add('\n -->>-->  corporate.process  #caller: $by cccccccccccp')
    ..add('affairOpsInUse: ___________________________________')
    ..add('  ------  demandStream  -----------')
    ..add('   -----  demandStreamBoard  ----------')
    ..add('   -----  corporate.paramToStr  ---------------   -->')
    ..add('   -----  corporate.bufMsg  ---------------')
    ..add('   -----  corporate.roll  -------------')
    ..add('   -----  corporate.handleMsg  ----------')
    ..add('   -----');
      ':_cpBuf: -->>-->  corporate.process  #caller: $by  -------- \n');
  //  TODO  Start info and statistics.
  //  TODO  Make all these Lists for:  devBox
  //  code here
  List<String> _li2 = [];
  _li2.add('placardMap: ');
  //  placardM.forEach((k,v)  => print('$k, $v'));
  placardM.forEach((k, v) => _li2.add('$k, $v'));
  _li2.add('_______ placardM ___________________________');

  devBox(':bl:comProc:', ['* header *', '* footer *'], [_li1, _li2], 10);

  List<String> _li3 = [];
  // actual command.
  _li3.add('calling command:');
  //  call to function that was get in parameter by caller.
  //  TODO Make this route more evident in in call,  and returned Strings.
  String _comStr = _assigned();
  _li3.add(_comStr); //  Returning String, from caller-object.
  _li3.add('  3. part done in :corporate:process. ');

  ///  Mediating placardM to affairOp
  ///  howTo NULL Map =  change parameter to Map<String, String>
  ///  The argument type 'Map<dynamic, dynamic>' can't be assigned to
  ///  the parameter type 'Map<String, String>'
  ///  DONE;  map explicitly: 'Map<String, String>'

  List<String> _li4 = [];
  _li4.add('calling: _affairOp.showInfo AND  _affairOp.operation::');
  _li4.add('  part 4 done in :corporate:process:  ');

  _affairOp.operation; //  no operation, just show info now.

  devBox(':bl:comProc:', ['* header *', '* footer *'], [_li3, _li4], 10);

  //  TODO  :corporate:process: end info and statistics.
  _cpBuf.writeln(':_cpBuf:  <--<<--  :corporate:process done --------\n');
  print('  <--<<--  :corporate:process done cccccccccccccccccccccccccp \n');
  return _cpBuf;