Time.fromMilliseconds constructor

  1. int totalMilliseconds

Create a Time from milliseconds


factory Time.fromMilliseconds(int totalMilliseconds) {
  final ms = totalMilliseconds % 1000;
  var seconds = (totalMilliseconds / 1000).floor();
  var minutes = (seconds / 60).floor();
  var hours = (minutes / 60).floor();

  seconds = seconds % 60;
  minutes = minutes % 60;

  // 👇️ If you don't want to roll hours over, e.g. 24 to 00
  // 👇️ comment (or remove) the line below
  // commenting next line gets you `24:00:00` instead of `00:00:00`
  // or `36:15:31` instead of `12:15:31`, etc.
  hours = hours % 24;

  return Time(hour: hours, minute: minutes, second: seconds, millisecond: ms);