yearOfISOWeek property

int yearOfISOWeek

Returns the year for this Date ISO week


int get yearOfISOWeek {
  final woy = (_ordinalDate - weekday + 10) ~/ 7;

  // If the week number equals zero, it means that the given date belongs to the preceding (week-based) year.
  if (woy == 0) {
    // The 28th of December is always in the last week of the year
    return year - 1;

  // If the week number equals 53, one must check that the date is not actually in week 1 of the following year
  if (woy == 53 &&
      DateTime(year).weekday != DateTime.thursday &&
      DateTime(year, 12, 31).weekday != DateTime.thursday) {
    return year + 1;

  return year;