
  • Show a calendar to pick range of dates.

    demo 0 demo 1



Import this package in your file you want to use.
Then, place DateRangeCalendar widget wherever you want to declare.

You need to pass a callback function onTappedDay of type Function(DateTime?, DateTime?).

  void onTappedDay(DateTime? s, DateTime? e) {
    // handle tapped start date and tapped end date here.
    print('$s, $e');

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Scaffold(
      body: Center(
        child: DateRangeCalendar(
          onTappedDay: onTappedDay,


Also, you can change styles etc.

  final mySetupData = CalendarSetupData(
    // Day cell style
    dayCellStyle: const calendar.DayCellStyle(
      backgroundColorOfStartDay: Colors.blue,
      backgroundColorOfEndDay: Colors.red,
      backgroundColorOfBetweenDay: Colors.yellow,
      borderColorOfToday: Colors.purple,
      borderRadius: Radius.circular(6),

    // Other styles etc.
    monthLayoutType: MonthLayoutType.yearMonth,
    monthTitleYearUnit: '年',
    monthLabelsData: const MonthLabelsData(jan: '1月', feb: '2月'),
    dayOfTheWeekLabelsData: const DayOfTheWeekLabelsData(
      mon: '月', tue: '火', wed: '水', thu: '木', fri: '金', sat: '土', sun: '日'),
    initialMonth: DateTime(2023, 1),

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Scaffold(
      body: Center(
        child: DateRangeCalendar(
          onTappedDay: onTappedDay,
          setupData: mySetupData,