pub package

datastore_dart is a Dart package that provides a high-level API for working with Google Cloud Datastore. It features an API syntax that matches that of the popular mongo_dart driver.


  • Query language and methods that closely resemble those of mongo_dart.
  • Most of the existing code and examples meant for mongo_dart should work without almost any changes needed.
  • Utilizes Google's official Datastore v1 API client library for Dart.
  • Automatic conversion of Datastore Entities to and from simple JSON format (mimicking mongo_dart), without the need for manual conversion.


Add the following to your pubspec.yaml file:

  datastore_dart: any

Then, run 'pub get' to install the package.


import 'package:datastore_dart/datastore_dart.dart';

Future main() async {
  String jsonCredentials = File('my-project.json');
  Map<String, dynamic> credentials = jsonDecode(jsonCredentials);

  var db = Db(credentials);
  var collection = db.collection('my_kind');

  // Insert entity
  await collection.insertOne({
    'name': 'Tom',
    'rating': 100,

  // Query entity
  Map<String, dynamic>? result =
      await collection.findOne(where.eq('name', 'Tom').gt('rating', 10));

Implemented methods

Command Notes
insertOne Implemented using projects.commit method.
insertMany Implemented using projects.commit method.
findOne Implemented using projects.lookup when filtering only by the key (eq('_id',val) or oneFrom('_id',val)) and not specifying fields/projection or order, projects.runQuery otherwise.
find Implemented using projects.lookup when filtering only by the key (eq('_id',val) or oneFrom('_id',val)) and not specifying fields/projection or order, projects.runQuery otherwise.
updateOne Implemented by first calling findOne, then calling projects.commit with the updated entities (therefore simply using insertOne with the updated document instead using updateOne is strongly recommended when possible).
updateMany Implemented by first calling find, then calling projects.commit with the updated entities (therefore simply using insertMany with the updated documents instead using update is strongly recommended when possible).
deleteOne Implemented using projects.commit when filtering only by the key (eq('_id',val) or oneFrom('_id',val)) and not specifying fields/projection, order, limit or offset, otherwise first calling findOne, then calling projects.commit.
deleteMany Implemented using projects.commit when filtering only by the key (eq('_id',val) or oneFrom('_id',val)) and not specifying fields/projection, order, limit or offset, otherwise first calling find, then calling projects.commit.

See also

