encodeTyped<T> function

dynamic encodeTyped<T>(
  1. T value, {
  2. TransferCodec<T>? codec,

Encodes a typed value to its transfer representation. (JSON)

codec can be used to override the default codec for type T. name is used in error messages for debugging purposes.


dynamic encodeTyped<T>(T value, {TransferCodec<T>? codec}) {
  if (value == null) {
    if (!TypeCheck<T>().isNullable) {
      // this should not be possible
      throw CodecException.typeMismatch(T, value.runtimeType, null);

    return null;

  codec ??= TransferCodec.find<T>();
  if (codec != null) {
    return (codec as dynamic).encode(value);

  throw ApiError.invalidType(T);