decode method

Route decode(
  1. String path

Decodes a path using the route pattern.

Path parameters will be stored in the returned Route object.


Route decode(String path) {
  final match = routeMatchExp.firstMatch(path);
  if (match == null) {
    throw ApiException('Could not match pattern.');

  final pathParams = Map.fromEntries(match.groupNames
      .where((e) => e != _wildcardGroup)
      .map((e) =>
          (match.groupNames.contains(e) && match.namedGroup(e) != null)
              ? MapEntry(e, Uri.decodeComponent(match.namedGroup(e)!))
              : null)

  final wildcard = match.groupNames.contains(_wildcardGroup)
      ? match.namedGroup(_wildcardGroup)
      : null;

  return Route(this, path, pathParams, wildcard);