fetch<T> method

T fetch<T>(
  1. ConfigPath path

Get a config value under the given path.

Throws ConfigPathException if value does not exist. If a null return value is preferred instead, simply set a nullable type for T and no exception will be thrown.

Valid types for T (nullable, as well as non-nullable) are String, int, double, bool, DateTime, Uint8List, List<int> or List<String> or Map<String, dynamic>.

If the value does not match the requested type or cannot be parsed into the given type, a ConfigTypeException is thrown.


T fetch<T>(ConfigPath path) {
  try {
    final raw = path.getFrom(_configMap);
    try {
      return decodeTyped<T>(raw);
    } on CodecException catch (_) {
      throw ConfigTypeException(path.toString(), T, raw.runtimeType);
  } on ConfigPathException catch (_) {
    if (null is T) {
      return null as T;
    } else {