ExpressionExtension extension



asc() Sort
Creates a Sort that orders ascending by this expression.
contains(dynamic other) Filter
Convenience method for creating a CompareFilter which matches if this contains other.
desc() Sort
Creates a Sort that orders descending by this expression.
equals(dynamic other) Filter
Convenience method for creating a CompareFilter which matches if this equals other.
greaterOrEqual(dynamic other) Filter
Convenience method for creating a CompareFilter which matches if this is greater than or equals other.
greaterThan(dynamic other) Filter
Convenience method for creating a CompareFilter which matches if this is greater than other.
isIn(dynamic other) Filter
Convenience method for creating a CompareFilter which matches if this is in other.
lessOrEqual(dynamic other) Filter
Convenience method for creating a CompareFilter which matches if this is less than or equals other.
lessThan(dynamic other) Filter
Convenience method for creating a CompareFilter which matches if this is less than other.
notEquals(dynamic other) Filter
Convenience method for creating a CompareFilter which matches if this does not equal other.
sort(bool ascending) Sort
Creates a Sort that orders by this expression.