enableHttpTracking method

void enableHttpTracking({
  1. DatadogTrackingHttpClientListener? clientListener,
  2. List<RegExp> ignoreUrlPatterns = const [],

Configures network requests monitoring for Tracing and RUM features.

If enabled, the SDK will override HttpClient creation (via HttpOverrides.global) to provide its own implementation. If you need to provide your own overrides to HttpOverrides.global, do so before initializing Datadog. The HTTP tracking plugin will use the provided HttpOverrides before overwriting with its own.

If the RUM feature is enabled, the SDK will send RUM Resources for all intercepted requests. The SDK will also generate and send tracing Spans for each 1st-party request.

The DatadogTracingHttpClient can additionally set tracing headers on your requests, which allows for distributed tracing. You can set which format of tracing headers when configuring firstParty hosts with DatadogConfiguration.firstPartyHostsWithTracingHeaders. The percentage of resources traced in this way is determined by DatadogRumConfiguration.traceSampleRate.

You can add attributes to RUM Resources by providing a clientListener. See DatadogTrackingHttpClientListener for more info.

Note that this is call is not necessary if you only want to track requests made through DatadogClient

See also DatadogConfiguration.firstPartyHostsWithTracingHeaders, DatadogConfiguration.firstPartyHosts, TracingHeaderType


void enableHttpTracking(
    {DatadogTrackingHttpClientListener? clientListener,
    List<RegExp> ignoreUrlPatterns = const []}) {
  additionalConfig[trackResourcesConfigKey] = true;
    clientListener: clientListener,
    ignoreUrlPatterns: ignoreUrlPatterns,