readPadding method

int readPadding()

Reads the padding and returns the amount of bits read. If the current buffer is not at the padding position, it will return false without changing the internal buffer's status or position.


int readPadding() {
  if (_bitsBufferLength == 0) {
    final initPos = _bytesBuffer.position;

    var b = _bytesBuffer.readByte();

    if (b == (1 << 7)) {
      return 8;
    } else {;
      return 0;

  final initBitsBuffer = _bitsBuffer;
  final initBitsBufferLength = _bitsBufferLength;

  final paddingBits = _bitsBufferLength;
  assert(paddingBits > 0);

  var head = readBits(1);
  if (head != 1) {
    _bitsBuffer = initBitsBuffer;
    _bitsBufferLength = initBitsBufferLength;
    return 0;

  for (var i = 1; i < paddingBits; ++i) {
    var tailBit = readBits(1);
    if (tailBit != 0) {
      _bitsBuffer = initBitsBuffer;
      _bitsBufferLength = initBitsBufferLength;
      return 0;
  assert(_bitsBufferLength == 0);

  return paddingBits;